Living Grey Collective Shop
William Nelekona - Legal Nest
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Legal Nest
11” x 8”
Graphite & Conté à Paris on paper

"Please forgive, what is probably the most hideously gratuitous signature I’ve ever put out there. In fairness, the stripes and last name were a doodle. The drawing of the bird nest and jar were drawn and sort of mashed together with the stripes above.
I’ve had these bird nests' in a box for about 10 years. I put these hideously out of place (and bold) stripes above. I kept working on the nests & rubbed off as much of the stripes as possible without an eraser. A cloth wiped out about 60-70% of the pigment. Since I’ve rather enjoyed & used those stripe colors in tangent with my name, I signed it with an eraser, -for fun. I’ve kind of thought about using my name with those stripes so that’s slightly why it’s popping up here and there. I was thinking I’d erase the stripes altogether. I left them & continued on with the nests’. Later, I’m asking myself, “what the heck do I put above that nest now, when those silly stripes and signature are gone? I don’t know.. just leave it.” It’s tricky working with graphite and conté together. It’s tricky working with just conté.. oh, and that yellow is a legal pad!"

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